Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Non-computability of minds from within Turing model.

 This essay explores the limits of Turing machines concerning the modeling of minds and suggests alternatives to go beyond those limits.
From the above arguments, it can be concluded that UTMs cannot com-
pute minds. Thus, A.I. as it stands now cannot model minds completely. Still, this does not imply that minds cannot be computed. Now the question is: Are there (non-Turing) mechanisms capable of computing a process similar to a mind? If we see computation as transformation of information (Ger-shenson, 2007), then human minds are already computing processes. Thus, the answer is affirmative—human minds can be seen as computers—but not very useful. Minds are computable, but how?. A more pragmatic framing of the question would be: How can we describe computations of processes similar to minds?. This description should enable us to understand better cognitive processes and also to build more sophisticated artificial cognitive systems.