This paper aims at the problem of link pattern prediction in collections of
objects connected by multiple relation types, where each type may play a
distinct role. While common link analysis models are limited to single-type
link prediction, we attempt here to capture the correlations among different
relation types and reveal the impact of various relation types on performance
quality. For that, we define the overall relations between object pairs as a
\textit{link pattern} which consists in interaction pattern and connection
structure in the network, and then use tensor formalization to jointly model
and predict the link patterns, which we refer to as \textit{Link Pattern
Prediction} (LPP) problem. To address the issue, we propose a Probabilistic
Latent Tensor Factorization (PLTF) model by introducing another latent factor
for multiple relation types and furnish the Hierarchical Bayesian treatment of
the proposed probabilistic model to avoid overfitting for solving the LPP
problem. To learn the proposed model we develop an efficient Markov Chain Monte
Carlo sampling method. Extensive experiments are conducted on several real
world datasets and demonstrate significant improvements over several existing
state-of-the-art methods.